The Robotics Technician training program introduces the concepts of industrial robots and explains how they can be used in a plant or manufacturing system. The primary focus of the program is on automated manufacturing processes, as well as the role of robots and all of their support equipment. Students receive both theoretical and laboratory instruction through a combination of multimedia learning resources and a robotics simulation software package to allow for the programming, testing, and debugging of robot-control programs. Areas of study include motion programming, pick and place, spray painting, arc and spot welding, computer networking, automated sorting systems, vision and tactile sensors and computer integration.
This module is designed to introduce the student to the fundamental concepts of robotics and describe some basic applications. This module covers operating principles of a manipulator and describes four types of actuators found in industry. The history of robotics is presented, as well as an overview of the main applications of industrial robots. The advantages of robots are also outlined, and the main components associated with robotic systems are explored. An introduction to robot cost/benefit analysis is presented and the most common non-industrial applications of robots are explored.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- List the main components of a robot
- Describe the operating principles of a manipulator
- Identify four types of actuators
- Explain the role of Devol and Engelberger in robotics history
- Define the terms ROV and TROV
- Name the two types of robot arms
- List five non-industrial applications of robots
- Explain the purpose of a controller in a robotic system
- Describe two cost/benefit analysis factors related to production volumes
- Identify seven factors which should be considered when selecting a robot
This module introduces students to the fundamentals of robot environments and control systems. In addition, the module introduces essential concepts such as adaptive control and dynamic control and describes the various classifications of robot movement. The module also covers servo and non-servo systems as well as an introduction to drive systems. The principles of line tracking robots and their control characteristics are provided emphasizing practical applications and troubleshooting techniques. Theoretical areas of study include point-to-point control and continuous path robot applications.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Explain the process for selecting a robot
- Define the domain of operation of a robot
- Identify six environments a robot can operate in
- List an industrial robot’s three most important subsystems
- Describe the differences between adaptive control and limited dynamic control
- Name the four classifications of movement of a robot
- Differentiate between servo- and non-servo control systems
- Define point-to-point control
- Describe three characteristics of a continuous path robot
- Name the two most popular types of drive systems used in industrial robots
- Explain the purpose of line tracking in robotic applications
- Determine tool length using a tool center point (TCP)
- List two advantages of distributed robots
This module is designed to cover the fundamentals of manipulators, links, and joints. Ohm's law, work, energy and power. A discussion of kinematics and haptic technology is presented, as well as dextrous manipulation, and an overview of the basic coordinate systems for a robot manipulator. The theoretical and practical aspects of manipulators and spatial analysis are introduced in this module using a combination of video, animation, and a laboratory projects and featuring Robotics simulation software.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Name the most common type of manipulator
- Differentiate between robot links and joints
- Define major axes and minor axes
- Explain the purpose of kinematics in robotic systems
- Describe screw theory in kinematic applications
- Name the three types of revolute joints
- Define haptic technology
- List the four general categories of robotic manipulation
- Differentiate between velocity manipulability and velocity workspace analysis
- Describe the function of dexterous manipulation
- Name the three basic co-ordinate systems for a robot manipulator
- Explain the operation of a gantry robot
- List six end effectors used in industrial robotics
- Determine the shape of a work envelope
This module covers work, energy, power and torque, and presents an introduction to gears and linkages and direct drive systems. The student will learn the principles of electric drives and fluid power and their application in industrial robotic systems. Hydraulic and pneumatic drives are also presented with an emphasis on practical applications and troubleshooting. In addition, this module also covers the basics of gears in power transmission and presents an overview of direct drive systems and drive system efficiency.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Name the three basic robot drive systems
- Differentiate between direct and indirect drives
- Define kinetic energy and potential energy
- List five advantages of electrical drive systems
- Describe the two most common types of electric motor drives
- Identify the five components in a fluid power system
- Name three types of fluid power actuators
- Compare the advantages of hydraulic and fluid power drives
- Explain the purpose of a hydraulic rotary actuator
- Describe the operation of a pneumatic diaphragm control valve
- List four purposes of gears in power transmission
- State Grashof's law
- Determine the efficiency of a drive system
This module will provide the student with an introduction to block diagrams and the application of open-loop and closed-loop control systems in industrial robotics. The main sections of a controller are described, as well as the categories, components, and advantages of various control systems. The module is designed to demonstrate the principles of PID control and describe how algorithms and flowcharts can be applied to design, problem-solving and troubleshooting techniques. In addition, the module also introduces students to the concept of fuzzy logic and fuzzy control.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Define the term servomechanism
- List five criteria for classification as a servo system
- Explain the purpose of block diagrams in servo systems
- Differentiate between transfer function and gain in a control system
- Draw the symbol for a summing point
- Determine the error signal based on the setpoint and measured value
- Describe the two main sections of a controller in a servo system
- List the two general categories of control systems
- Identify the five components of a closed-loop control system
- Define the four variables associated with closed-loop control
- Describe the three components of PID control
- List four qualities of an ideal servo amplifier
- Explain the purpose of algorithms and flowcharts in servo systems
- Define the term fuzzy logic
This module covers payload, accuracy, repeatability and resolution in modern industrial robotics. The student will learn to apply compliance parameters to determine overall performance and explain the various factors affecting the accuracy of a robot. The module also covers position error and describes common calibration techniques used in robot installation and maintenance. In addition to the basics of kinematic coupling, the module also presents standard performance characteristics noted in ISO9283. The principles of spatial resolution and compliance are discussed with an emphasis on practical applications and troubleshooting techniques.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Name the four characteristics of precision robot movement
- Define the term spatial resolution
- Differentiate between repeatability and accuracy
- List the three factors affecting the accuracy of a robot
- Determine the maximum payload of a robot
- Describe the four sources of position error
- Calculate robot accuracy based on BRU and mechanical accuracy
- Explain how compliance affects maximum payload
- List 10 performance characteristics identified in ISO9283
- Define robot calibration
- Discuss the advantages of kinematic coupling
This module includes the study of both analog and digital sensors, including mechanical switches, temperature sensors, proximity detectors, strain gages and photoelectric sensors. Displacement, pressure, and flow transducers are presented with an emphasis on practical applications and safe operation of these devices. This module also covers encoders and resolvers, as well as Hall effect devices and capacitive and ultrasonic sensors. An introduction to object identification is also presented using practical and theoretical examples of industrial applications of this technology.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Describe the goal of a robot sensory system
- Differentiate between a sensor and an actuator
- List three applications for force/torque sensors
- Identify seven types of mechanical switches
- Describe five parameters measured with transducers
- Explain the principle of the Seebeck effect
- List four types of proximity sensors
- Determine the flow rate of a fluid
- Differentiate between pressure and flow transducers
- Calculate the gage factor of a strain gage transducer
- Name two types of photoelectric devices
- Compare resolvers and encoders
It is in this module that the student learns the principles of robotic vision systems including cameras, frame grabbers and vision algorithms. 3D vision, photogrammetry, and tactile sensing are covered with an emphasis on practical application and design. An introduction to robot inspection and speech recognition is also presented in this module. In addition, this module also provides an overview of CCD and CMOS cameras and describes their application in industrial robotics. The student will learn design techniques and the principles of F/T sensing as well as the most common characteristics of touch sensors.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Explain the purpose of a robot pose
- Name the two most important sensors for a robot
- List five functions performed by vision and touch sensors
- Explain the three steps required for a vision system to process data
- Describe the two levels of world modeling
- Define the term photogrammetry
- Compare CCD and CMOS cameras
- Calculate the field of view for a vision system
- Discuss the purpose of a frame grabber in a vision system
- List the three basic techniques used for 3D vision
- Define the term slip sensing
- Differentiate between touch sensing and F/T sensing
- Name six desirable characteristics of touch sensors
- Define robot audition
This module provides an introduction to robot software, programming languages, and various programming techniques associated with industrial robots. On-line and off-line programming, teach pendants and automatic programming are presented using a combination of theoretical and laboratory exercises utilizing robotics simulation software. In addition, this module also introduces the student to web-based programming and open architecture programming and provides coverage of some of the major robot programming languages and techniques, including Microsoft Robotics Studio.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Explain the purpose of a layered system for robot programming
- Name the two major categories of robot programming
- List five criteria for standardized programming languages
- Define software architecture
- Differentiate between manual and automatic programming
- Name three types of non-proprietary robot languages
- Identify five types of motion instructions
- Describe the most popular type of robot programming language
- Explain how program touch-up is used when programming
- List two types of simulation used in industry
- Compare keyframing and skeletal animation in 3D modeling
- Discuss the benefits of open-architecture programming
- Name four characteristics of DSSP in Microsoft Robotics Studio
This module introduces the student to the fundamentals of Local Area Networks, protocol and topology. In addition to transmission media, the module also covers classifications of communication systems and an overview of the 7-layer OSI model. The principles of token passing, CSMA/CD and ethernet are presented emphasizing practical applications and troubleshooting techniques. Theoretical areas of study include Controller Area Networks, network switching and WLANS. The student will also learn the differences between star, bus, and ring topology and their applications in industry. Emphasis is placed on design, problem solving and analysis of industrial communication systems.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Define the term data communication
- List the three main types of knowledge that influence decision-making
- Explain the purpose of a local area network
- Name three types of communications cables used by LANs
- Describe the principle of network protocol
- Differentiate between token passing and CSMA/CD
- Calculate token circulation times in a LAN
- Compare ring, star, and bus topology
- Name one disadvantage of ring topology
- Determine messaging times based on sample period and traffic
- Describe the two basic modes of WLANs
- Name three common communication methods
- Define the seven layers of the OSI communications model
- Explain the purpose of Ethernet in robotics communications
This module will focus on the principles of robot safety and the various types of safety equipment used in industrial robotics applications. The student will learn the fundamentals of hazard analysis and safety-related control systems. In addition, comprehensive coverage of common robot accidents is presented as well as techniques for safe installation, maintenance, and operation of robots in a variety of industrial settings. This module also explores standard preventive maintenance techniques and the use of diagnostic systems in industrial robots.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Define the term robot safety
- List eight types of potential malfunctions in a robotics system
- Explain the three levels of hazard areas
- Identify seven considerations for robot installations
- Describe the purpose of an intrinsic fail safe system
- Name five types of safeguarding devices
- Define hard guards and discuss their purpose in a robot work envelope
- Determine the standard height of perimeter guards
- Differentiate between safety mats and mat controllers
- Name three factors to consider in controlling robot hazards
- Identify the primary cause of industrial robot accidents
- Describe three benefits of applying preventative maintenance
- Explain the purpose of diagnostic systems in robots
This module will provide the student with an overview of robot uses, with an emphasis on the most common functions. It includes applications such as welding, palletizing, assembly, injection molding, and spray painting. In addition, the module also includes specialized robotic applications such as surgical and inspection robots. Integration of 3D animation and robot simulation software enables the student to gain a better understanding of “real world" environments. This module also covers a variety of welding processes, including MIG and TIG, and contains an introduction to specialized end effectors such as welding and spray guns. An overview of mobile robots is also presented.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Describe the most common application for industrial robots
- List eight applications for industrial robots
- Name the two most common types of welding robots
- Explain the principle of operation of a C-type welding gun
- Compare GMAW and GTAW welding processes
- Describe the two main types of painting robots
- Identify the three most common functions performed by inspection robots
- Differentiate between robot handling and assembly
- Name two advantages of using grinding robots
- Define the term palletizing
- Explain the purpose of robots in the healthcare industry
- Describe the basic operating principle of AGVs
This module covers the principles of artificial intelligence and introduces the student to the concept of machine learning and knowledge. In addition to Conventional AI, the module also provides an overview of evolutionary computation and computational intelligence. Applications of robots using Neuro-fuzzy systems are presented with an emphasis on fundamentals of fuzzy logic and problem solving. The types of reasoning systems covered in this module include both deductive and inductive. Feedforward and recurrent networks are included in the module as well as an introduction to Natural Language Processing.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Define the term artificial intelligence
- Name the two types of knowledge utilized by an AI system
- Explain the purpose of logical rules of inference
- Describe how expert systems are used in AI applications
- List the four parameters of case-based reasoning
- Define machine learning and how it applies to AI
- Differentiate between deductive and inductive reasoning
- Describe the purpose of evolutionary algorithms
- List the five main classifications of agents
- Compare feedforward networks with recurrent networks
- Explain the purpose of natural language processing (NLP)
- Name two types of AI robots
This module will introduce basic concepts and techniques used within the field of mobile autonomous robots. It covers the principles of robot motion, forward and inverse kinematics of wheeled platforms, and provides a general overview of mobile robot control architectures, with an emphasis on the use of wheeled mobile robots and manipulators in industry and society. Areas including perception, error propagation, localization and path planning are presented. This module also provides a concise study of modeling, control, and navigation methods for wheeled non-holonomic and omnidirectional mobile robots and manipulators. The module begins with a study of mobile robot drives and corresponding kinematic and dynamic models, and discusses the sensors used in mobile robotics. It then examines a variety of model-based, model-free, and vision-based controllers, with a comparison of stabilization and tracking performance. In addition, the problems of path, motion, and task planning, along with localization and mapping topics are covered.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- Describe the main components in an autonomous robot
- Explain the difference between static and dynamic stability
- List five applications for wheeled mobile robots (WMRs)
- Describe the main operating principle of the differential wheeled robot
- Differentiate between a quadruped and a 4-wheeled WMR
- Explain the purpose of the “right hand rule” in mobile robotics
- List three of the most common WMR sensors
- Define spatial perception
- Name the four building blocks of robot navigation
- Describe waypoint GPS navigation